Brand Engine

Brand Positioning

Define what you stand for. Make your message unique. Position your brand for success.

What is Brand Positioning?

The right brand positioning strategically differentiates your organization from the competition. Itโ€™s the why, who, what and how of your organization. The way consumers perceive or identify with you is directly tied to your positioning: Itโ€™s your competitive advantage and relatability combined. Itโ€™s the reason and emotional feeling someone gives when they explain why they chose you over another brand.

Your brandโ€™s identity, unique values and differentiators lie at the core of this strategy.

Why Brand Positioning Matters to Your Business

Not only does your brand positioning define the problems you solve and who you solve them for, it also considers your market and share of voice. For this reason, your positioning provides essential guidance for your strategic growth. An effective brand position will influence what products and services you develop, how you market them, where you sell them and why your buyers need them. 

Positioning statements set an organizational-wide mindset that provides a powerful, unified direction for your team, audience and growth that can drive sales.

Building a Powerful Brand Position

Unlike the narrative aspects of your branding, such as your brand story, effective brand positioning is based on both qualitative and quantitative data and research including a competitive analysis, consumer insights and more. 

Brand positions also differ from the individual messaging strategies of your products and services. Those typically focus on features, price points and tangible details. Instead, positioning rises above a companyโ€™s products to establish appeal and loyalty on an emotional level, based on shared values, beliefs and practices. 

For organizations that have rebranded, evolved, experienced an industry shift, or just find themselves without a clear brand position, an expert partner can help with the comprehensive market research and broader perspective thatโ€™s tough to achieve with solely in-house resources.  

Armed with extensive data from your buyers, competition, virtual market and team, you can craft a positioning statement and supporting strategy thatโ€™s effective, accurate and most importantlyโ€“ valuable. 

A polished, clear and consistent brand position can now drive into decisions in an operational approach across your business.

Itโ€™s not exactly building a rocket, but it can fuel your growth the same way.

Our Approach to Establishing Your Brand Position

The Impulse Creative team makes it easy and attainable to define your brand position. Working with your marketing team, C-suite or a cross-section of your company, we guide you through the process, acting as a neutral party performing extensive research on your behalf and producing your positioning plan with real, actionable strategy. 

Then, we show you how to strategically integrate that plan throughout your organization or direct the process hands-on, in workshops or on an ongoing basis.

Learn how a brand positioning strategy can help fuel your growth, today.